Monday, September 22, 2008

Back to Access Roads

The next thing to research is the maintenance and condition of the road.

Call the county road department and check to see how often the road is maintained.
They might not maintain it more than grading it once a year.
They might not maintain it at all.
There might not be any agency, association, or other that maintains it.

Some county roads don't look much different from a BLM Jeep trail.
Many large construction vehicles can't navigate small, narrow roads.

During extreme weather, they may become impassable.
The county might not plow them.
Wet weather, floods, mudslides, other natural phenomenon, and overuse can destroy roads.
The county might not repair them.
Make sure the road was properly engineered and constructed from durable materials.
If it's dirt, it most likely wasn't either.

If it's not a paved road, it's not likely the county will pave it anytime soon.

If the road is maintained by the NDOT... all of the above conditions may still be true.

All of this can be costly... not only to maintain the road, but wear and tear on your vehicle.

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